Monday, December 10, 2012

Post 11: Time Management & Procrastination

I would honestly like to use this free choice post to talk about procrastination and how frustrating it is to me to realize how bad I manage time sometimes...

As a college student, I expect myself to be able to manage time well enough, that I can keep up with my academic goals and also my life outside of school. I feel frustrated how sometimes I find myself wasting valuable time doing nothing or just being lazy, knowing that I could be doing something productive. I doubt I'm the only one that just procrastinates all week, whenever I can, and then rushes all weekend trying to keep up with all compromises and trying to finish all assignments; something I could have easily done slowly during the whole week. As of right now, one of my mayor academic goals is to stop being so much of a procrastinator and to get myself to manage time correctly; so that I don't have to rush at all times.

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